Donate to Wayne Reed

Your tax-deductible donation to Wayne Reed Christian Childcare Center will support our public policy and advocacy efforts on behalf of children and families, create widely acclaimed reports, lead projects that increase the availability of quality child care, and offer comprehensive training to child care professionals.


Donate Online:
We can securely process your online donation via PayPal:

Donate by Mail:
Wayne Reed Christian Childcare Center
11 B Lindsley Avenue
Nashville, TN 37210
Please Make Checks Payable to: Wayne Reed Christian Childcare Center

Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts

Many companies offer matching gift programs to their employees for cash contributions or hours of volunteer service. Check with your employer to find out if your company matches employees’ gifts to charitable nonprofit organizations; you may be able to double or even triple your donation to Wayne Reed Christian Childcare Center. Many companies match employee donations dollar-for-dollar, meaning your $50 monthly contribution can be worth $1,200 each year.

To learn about how you can make a gift of stock, bequests or other planned gifts, corporate gifts, and/or sponsor an event or project, please contact us at or call (615) 244-9311.

Wayne Reed Christian Childcare Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.